Hey, fellows!

You are very welcome in here.

‘Pet do Cebola’ it’s a Pet Shop that has been open since 2008. ‘Cebola’ is my dog .. in English it would be like ‘onion dog’ because he cries a lot and complains about everything.

We serve in Pinheiros with extreme quality service and infrastructure. We offer you expertise in the best services and care in grooming, day care, hotel, taxi dog, laboratory exams, veterinary for canine and feline appointments and surgeries.

Come and meet us!


Groomming, Day Care, Hotel and Taxi Dog complement our portfolio of services.


Baths with hypoallergenic products from the best product of all, Pet Society – Hydra. Groomming with the best professionals in the region.


A day with lots of activities and games. An exclusive person to play along and to work with the socialization of your pet and the other ones.


Playing a lot outdoor in sunlight and comfortable beds for well deserved rest afterwards. Air-condition environment on warmer days.

VETERINARY – Dr. Marcelo Lopes da Silva

Hello fellows foreigners!
Be welcome to our home.

We can offer you help in the treatment of you little friend in an English communication.

I’ve been working as a Vet since 2001 and I’m the owner, clinic and the surgeon of Pet do Cebola. Here you will find everything you need to diagnosis and care for you pet.

You can count on us for everything, since a simple bath to travel documents.

To best communicate you can text us on whatsApp and we will answer as soon as possible with someone that might be able to speak English.

See ya!

11 94510-1439